Overall Concept
また進路実現に向けて、水都生一人ひとりの能力の可視化を大切にしています。学業面では、外部試験などの客観的な指標を通して、基礎学力、思考力、英語力の3つの力を定点観測し、自身の立ち位置を把握しています。実績面では、本校独自の科目であるSuito Action Project for SDGsなどを利用し、全員がコンテストへの参加やイベントの創設等の課外活動に取り組んでいます。
The school's educational goal is to cultivate the ability to co-create and contribute to society. Through a career guidance program that is staggered based on their grade levels, Suito students will explore each of their unique and ideal ways to become a member of society.
In order to develop the ability to choose among the vast available options, students must first experience many things, reflect on, and accumulate their learning. Students are provided with a wide variety of opportunities related to their career guidance so that they can “work backwards” to reach their goals.
Importance on visualizing the abilities of each and every Suito student in order to help them realize their career goals is key to our mission. In terms of academics, we use external examinations and other objective indicators to monitor foundational academic skills, critical thinking skills, and English language skills so that students can gain an understanding of where they stand. In terms of career-related achievements, students are encouraged to get involved in extracurricular activities such as participating in contests, and creating events through the Suito Action Project for SDGs, a subject unique to our school.

中学進路と取り組み例 JH Career

中学1年生では6年一貫教育の基礎を築くことを目的に、知識の積み立てや情報発信の方法を Feelnote で習得します。入学したばかりの新しい状態で自分とは何かを深く考えながら学びの築きを進めていきます。
中学2年生では Holland Code を用いた職業観の形成を行います。自身の特性や興味を深掘りしながら、職業感覚の涵養を行います。その後に具体的な職業や将来像を調べることで、今の自分に必要なことを考えます。
In the first year of junior high school, with the aim of laying the foundation for a six-year integrated education, students learn how to accumulate knowledge and disseminate information through Feelnote. Within the context of entering a brand new school environment, students will begin to develop a profound understanding of their individual identities.
In the second year of junior high school, students will begin developing career perspectives using the “Holland Code”. While delving deeply into their own characteristics and interests, students will cultivate a sense of different careers. After that, students will think about what they need to do by researching specific occupations and future paths.
In the third year of junior high school, students will develop a roadmap for their future through career-related lectures. Through more academic lectures by doctors, NGO officials, and other experts, students think about the significance of working in the world in the future and how to realize their own career path. Based on the experiences accumulated in junior high school and this strong foundation, students will be able to formulate a career plan for their future in high school.
高1進路と取り組み例 G10 Career

高校1年では、1学期から2学期にかけて夢ナビプログラムを実施しています。このプログラムでは、全国の大学教授の授業をオンラインで体験することができます。本校の参加生徒たちは、自分の興味と目指す学部の親和性を確認し、また時には今まで気づかなかった学問分野への興味の萌芽を体感することができます。2学期から始まる次年度コース選択の準備としての意味合いもあり、生徒たちはGlobal Communicationコース、Global Scienceコース、International Baccalaureateコースの中から、より自分にあった進路を選択をしていきます。
In the first year of high school, students join “Yume-Navi (preparation)” in the first to second term. This program allows students to experience online classes taught by university professors from around the country. Through these experiences, students can see the relationship between their interests and different university faculties, and/or they can also find new academic fields of interest. During the second term, in preparation for the rest of their high school careers, students will begin to consider which course best suits their career goals and aspirations. The courses offered are the Global Communication course, Global Science course, and the International Baccalaureate course.
高2進路と取り組み例 G11 Career

In the second year of high school, students will solidify their own career paths and make plans for entrance examinations throughout the year. During summer vacation, they attend open campuses of domestic universities or college fairs overseas in Japan, following which each student will create their own original poster. They interview students, professors, and employment office staff to consider the advantages and disadvantages of going on to higher education, and then information about the university is compiled in the poster. Through the creation of the poster, students will be able to visualize their own career paths more clearly and develop an attitude of facing their career paths head-on.
高3進路と取り組み例 G12 Career

In the third year of high school, students mainly focus on preparing for their acceptance into universities. In September, preparations for selecting universities and entrance exams continue in earnest. The students take mock university entrance examinations and compare the results with their desired career paths. After the mock examinations, they consult with their homeroom teachers and career guidance counselors and work to encourage their peers as they enter the final stage of their high school life.
Overseas University

全コースにて、例年多くの海外大学進学者を輩出しています。出願に備えて、早期段階から各国領事館や奨学金支援団体からのセミナーを毎年実施しています。海外進学希望者には、卒業生の進学ノウハウを記録したデータの閲覧、コモンアプリケーション(Common Application)に向けたカウンセリングなどのサポートを行っています。
All of our courses have produced a large number of students who go on to study at overseas universities every year. In preparation for the application processes, seminars from various countries’ consulates and scholarship organizations are held each year. Using the knowledge gained from our alumni, support is provided to those abroad in areas such as data documentation and counselling for the Common Application.