開校から5年間、高等学校の教頭として本校の教育活動に携わってきました。掲げている教育目標や、ビジョンを目指し、学校規模の変化と共に、目標達成の方法やルートが変わってくること、変わらざるを得ないことを目の当たりにしてきました。私にとっては、水都国際中学校・高等学校の開校から運営までが、まさに巨大なPBL(Project Based Learning)です。この壮大なプロジェクトは、私自身はもちろんのこと、本校に関わる全ての人たちに、様々な「まなび」の機会を提供してくれていると考えています。今まで身につけた能力やスキルを駆使し、さらに発展・向上させて行ける環境に身を置くことで、日々の成長を感じることができる「学校」だと信じています。
国家戦略特別区域法における学校教育法の特例を活用し、公立学校の運営を民間の学校法人である大阪YMCAに委託されている本校では、公立学校であり、International Baccalaureateの認定校であり、民間の知見を活用したユニークな学校となっています。このような特殊で面白い学校で、生徒の将来を第一に考え、生徒も教員も切磋琢磨し、社会に貢献していく学校にしていくことを目指します。
校長 太田 晃介
It was around September 2017 when I was approached and asked if I would like to help establish a new school in Osaka. I clearly remember how I was interested in establishing a new school and decided to go to Osaka without worrying too deeply about my decision. It feels like a long time ago that I spent a year preparing for the opening of the school, selecting textbooks for all subjects with only a few teachers, deciding on the design of the uniform, and many other things to welcome the first students.
For the five years since the school opened, I have been involved in the school's educational activities as vice principal of the senior high school. While remaining focused on the school’s overall vision and goals, I have witnessed that the methods and routes to achieve these have evolved as the school has grown.
From the time that it opened, Suito Kokusai Junior and Senior High School has been a giant Project Based Learning (PBL) project. I believe that this grand project has provided various opportunities for learning, not only for myself but also for everyone involved in our school. I believe this is a school where people can experience daily growth by using and further developing their knowledge, skills and dispositions.
The school's educational goal is to 'cultivate the ability to co-create and contribute to society' (i.e., cultivate independence, tolerance and an inquiring mind, and nurture the ability to live better together). We hope that students who graduate from our school will go on to play an active role around the world. We hope that they will then come back here to Osaka, clothed in world-class strength, and demonstrate it to the fullest extent.
Our school, which makes use of a special exception to the School Education Law under the National Strategic Special Zones Act, and the management of this public school has been entrusted to the Osaka YMCA, a private school corporation. Suito Kokusai is a public school, an authorized International Baccalaureate World School and an overall unique school that makes use of private sector knowledge. We aim to make the school a place where the students' future is our first priority, and where both students and teachers work hard and contribute to society.
2024-2025 marks the school's sixth year of operation and the first year when the school is at its maximum student enrolment. For approximately three years after the school's first year of operation, the school was affected by COVID-19 pandemic and was restricted in various aspects. Now, as a second start, Suito Kokusai will aspire to new levels. We look forward to your continued support.
Kohsuke Ohta, Principal
Osaka Prefectural Suito Kokusai Junior High School
Osaka Prefectural Suito Kokusai Senior High School