2024年4月 入学式・式辞
On this sunny morning, you put our arms through the sleeves of your new uniforms and joined us as hopeful new students.
It is with great pleasure that we celebrate the 6th entrance ceremony of Osaka Prefectural Suito Kokusai Junior and Senior High School. On behalf of the staff, I would like to thank you all for your attendance.
From this April, our school enters its sixth year and achieves full enrolment for the first time. Junior high school has approximately 240 students, and senior high school has approximately 480 students. In addition, the east school ground, which had been under construction, is now ready for use. Although the school has only been in existence for five years, Suito Kokusai, which was built from scratch, is now complete in terms of enrollment and facilities. However, the educational content and activities are still in the process of development and improvement. In 2023, a new type of coronavirus infection was declared a category 5 infectious disease, and educational activities, which had been restricted, have gradually resumed. You are entering a school with new momentum.
Congratulations to all the new students. We hope that during the next six years for junior high school students and three years for high school students that you will discover your hidden potential, develop your abilities and pursue your own goals at this school called Suito Kokusai, and that you will graduate with a shining future. The entire teaching staff will do their utmost to provide guidance and support. Our school's aim is to develop your ability to contribute to society, and we hope that students who graduate from our school will go on to play active roles in their careers around the world.
I would like to ask you to do three things to enrich your school life at Suito Kokusai.
First Request (A Healthy Life):
Please lead a healthy life. The basis of everything is a healthy body. A healthy body creates a healthy mind. No matter how clear-headed you are and how much mental processing power you have, if you do not have a healthy body, your ability and effectiveness will be reduced by half if you neglect your physical health. It can happen that when you want to do something, your body doesn't work. Especially as your mind and body are growing so much, you need to be aware of and take good care of your body. In order to learn and absorb as much as possible, you should make an effort to take in the necessary nutrition, exercise moderately and get plenty of rest.
Second Request (Mental Toughness):
Please train your mind to become a mind that never gives up until the end. As you move on to a new stage, you may encounter new obstacles and more advanced content and a huge amount of tasks and work than before. At that time, please continue to do the best that you can with what you have at the moment. Just like the muscles in your body, your mental toughness can be trained little-by-little, so that your mind will not be easily put off and you will be able to tackle the challenges you face. The junior and senior high school years are a time when both your mind and body are growing by leaps and bounds. Please inspire yourself and expand your limits.
Third Request (See the Big Picture):
Cultivate a bird's eye view. By the time you graduate from senior high school, you should have the ability to look at your situation and environment objectively. You are inevitably the center of your own thinking, but sometimes you need to be able to think from a different point of view and consider things from someone else's position. To do this, it is important to put yourself in the other person's shoes. Many things and events that happen often have multiple reasons behind them. Please cultivate a habit of looking at things from a "bird's eye view" in order not to be misled by the surface details of what you see. Develop an ability to see beyond the surface to what is behind it.
Our school is an environment where both staff and students come from a variety of backgrounds. You may encounter things that are different from your own expectations based on your experiences up to now. When this happens, I hope that you will not take it critically but positively, as a discovery and a new point of view. I hope that you will learn and understand the norms of being a member of society, and acquire the basic attributes needed to actively contribute to society.
We will do our utmost to provide guidance and support for six years for junior high school students and three years for senior high school students so that you can grow and develop in a relaxed manner. We ask for your understanding, support and cooperation for our school's educational policies and practices.
With this, I would like to conclude my entrance ceremony address.
校長 太田 晃介
Kohsuke Ohta, Principal
Osaka Prefectural Suito Kokusai Junior High School
Osaka Prefectural Suito Kokusai Senior High School